Jim McDannald, DPM

A seismic shift is happening. Technology and the Internet have completely changed relationships between patients, physicians, and healthcare institutions.
On one side, younger physicians are entering podiatry practices and bringing their digital savvy with them. Simultaneously, Gen X, millennials, and younger patients search online for foot and ankle care options.
I started Podiatry Growth to help podiatrists identify these changes and implement the online opportunities that benefit their practice and patients.
I’m here to give you the knowledge and tools you need so patients in your area can connect with your podiatry clinic.
More than anything, I’m here to be a resource for you so your focus can be providing excellent care for your patients.
My mission
My mission is simple: I want to make it easy for ideal patients to receive your care.
An engaging online presence is vital for a clinic’s success. But most digital marketing providers offer websites with stock images and cookie-cutter digital strategies. Instead of partnering practices and providing a big impact, they focus on volume. I saw the gap and knew exactly how I could help.
As business owners, podiatrists in private practice know it’s all about providing a top-notch patient experience. I’m here to partner with you and your team to extend the reputation of your clinic into the online world. The goal is to bookend the excellent care you provide in your clinic with digital systems that expand your clinic’s visibility, build trust, and spread positive digital word of mouth.
I believe the future of podiatry is digital and work with podiatrists to develop a robust online strategy that will help you showcase your clinic, highlight the forms of care you provide, and demonstrate your expertise in the communities you serve.
That means more ideal patients, more of the procedures you want, and more of the work you love. That would be a game-changer, and I’d love to help make that happen. And the good news? It’s easier than you think.
About Podiatry Growth
In 2011, I left private practice to become a freelance writer & web designer. It wasn’t an easy path, but I wouldn’t change a thing. I loved providing great care to my patients and cherish the professional relationships with peers & colleagues, but clinical practice wasn’t the right path for me. So I took matters into my own hands.
I started writing again, taught myself how to build websites, and landed a job as a health technology writer with Wirecutter.com. Before it was acquired by the New York Times, I gained invaluable experience contributing to a digital team & growing a business online.
A few years later, I helped Athletics Canada & health-tech company Polar with their communications and online marketing efforts. Working at the 2016 Rio Olympics & playing a pivotal role at each of these organizations, I managed SEO and paid advertising campaigns that generated revenue & delivered results.
In the summer of 2019, a podiatry school classmate reached out. He wanted to improve his website, Google Ads and online presence so that it could help grow his clinic and asked for my help. It opened my mind to something I hadn’t considered before—partnering with my podiatry peers and colleagues.
I have a rare combination of online skills, podiatry knowledge, clinical experience to help you build (and grow) your podiatry practice—the smart way.
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Jim McDannald, DPM
Founder + Owner